windows Dump Information for Process using GetTokenInformation In this post, you will get a very thorough step-by-step walkthrough on building your own process token dumper in the c++ which will help you in knowing your target better before launching another post exploitation attack.
windows Windows Process Listing using NTQuerySystemInformation Get acquainted with the undocumented low-level yet powerful APIs from winternls and how to use the NtQuerySystemInformation function to get a list of all the processes running in the system
windows Windows Process Listing Using PSApi Get a detailed walkthrough on process listing via PSApi. You will also learn about its pros-n-cons and the new set of functions from the PS Api suite related to module enumeration.
windows Windows Process Listing using ToolHelp32 API Get a detailed walk-through on the code of process listing using ToolHelp32 API from scratch. You will also learn to enumerate the threads and modules for each process and will know about its advantages and challenges
windows Windows Process Listing Using WTS API – Part 2 In this post, you will learn how to gracefully enable SeDebugPrivilege and automatically launch the process using ShellExecuteExA with administrator privileges. This is in continuation to part 1 of windows process listing using wts api.
windows Windows Process Listing Using WTS API – Part 1 In this detailed walkthrough of process listing using WTS API, you will learn the importance of the process listing and enumeration of anti-malware agents and will get your hands dirty with the source code